Smart targeting for Promoted Listings Advanced

What launched?

We launched a new, simplified way for sellers to create and manage Promoted Listings Advanced campaigns. Smart targeting simplifies the setup process while automatically updating and maintaining ad campaign settings. Plus, with smart targeting sellers get access to additional ad placements across eBay, such as relevant listings pages.

Why is it important?

Sellers can save time creating and managing Promoted Listings Advanced campaigns, plus expand their reach and visibility of listings beyond the search results page to additional placements across eBay. 

Now when creating a Promoted Listings Advanced campaign, sellers are able to choose between two options: Smart for a fast campaign setup and automated management, or Manual for more control over setup and ongoing optimization.

Where do I find it?

When you go to create a new Promoted Listings Advanced campaign, you’ll see Smart alongside Manual, which you would use if you’re seeking more control of campaign setup and ongoing, hands-on management.