Wrap up more sales this holiday with eBay Ads

Maximize your sales potential with advertising

50 %

Sellers saw 50% more sales when using Promoted Listings Advanced on average, compared to non-promoted items 1

81 %

of consumers said they are likely to click on ads such as a promoted listing 2

33 %

of online shoppers say they are very influenced by ads 2

55 %

of holiday shoppers expect to spend more than planned on holiday-related expenses this year 2

Mark your calendar: Essential dates every seller should keep in mind

important holiday 2023 dates for October
important holiday 2023 dates for November
Holiday 2023 key dates December

Stay informed on upcoming high-traffic dates this holiday season. Explore our helpful tips and tricks for maximizing your profits during these busy periods.

Get 50% off ad fees

Create your first Promoted Listings Advanced campaign and save up to $100. *T&C apply.

Get 50% off ad fees

2023 Holiday Guide

Dive into our holiday shopper survey and uncover significant findings to help you increase sales this season.

2023 Holiday Guide

Category insights

Maximize your profits this busy shopping season with our holiday trends calendar for sellers.

Category insights

Promoted Listings Advanced

Attract holiday shoppers and boost your sales with Promoted Listings Advanced. You choose how much to spend on your campaigns and only pay when a buyer clicks, with 50% off add fees. Benefit from advanced campaign controls and priority ad placements on eBay, seeing on average a 50% boost in sales compared to non-promoted items.

Promoted Listings Advanced

Promoted Listings Standard

Maximize your holiday sales and pay nothing upfront with eBay’s cost-per-sale advertising. Use advanced dashboard tools and reports to get high visibility and predicted optimal performance while promoting your listings to holiday buyers. Get started in just a few clicks and help increase the visibility of your listings across eBay this holiday season.

Promoted Listings Standard

Offsite Ads Beta (*New ad solution)

Spread holiday cheer and drive more sales with eBay’s Offsite Ads Beta. Easily launch campaigns on external channels like Google, targeting the right audience at the right time to attract new buyers. Stand out from competitors with exclusive placements and easily manage budgets with suggested guidance and click estimations.

Offsite Ads Beta (*New ad solution)
  1. Data from Sept 2022 – Feb 2023
  2. eBay Ads 2023 Holiday Guide