A successful cross-platform strategy starts with eBay

The term cross-device has become so ubiquitous, it has lost its meaning. We’ve known that users move between several devices. Given this, then why is mCommerce’s pace still lacking? Despite increased mobile usage, desktop and tablets still serve as primary screens for eCommerce transactions.

Americans are still reluctant to buy on mobile

Today, the majority of Americans (77%) own a smartphone, up from 35% in 20111. However, as spend on mobile increases, many Americans have yet to fully embrace smartphone transactions. Smartphones’ share of US online retail sales accounted for a little over a third of all eCommerce sales in Q3 20182.

Americans cite a lack of security as a main concern preventing them from adopting mobile payments. According to a GFK study3, more than half of US internet users were worried about the security of their personal information in 2018. 

Mobile=Discovery; Desktop=Transactions

Marketers are at a crossroads. They know mobile usage has grown at a fast pace, but they also understand that consumers may feel uncomfortable transacting on a pocket-sized device. 

There is no denying that mobile devices hold a great amount of influence but this doesn’t always equate to conversion. “A large part of desktops’ relevancy can be traced to innovations like browser extensions because it adds convenience to users’ shopping journey.”

The Drum, November 2018.

Online users are accessing multiple browsers on multiple devices. Extracting meaningful data from such a fragmented journey can be difficult. To be effective, marketers must connect their data dots with that of their media partners.

eBay Data Delivers

Brands should leverage platforms, like eBay, that can provide a logged-in user base. This allows for deterministic audience tracking and targeting, to ensure the right ad is served to the right user at the right time. For instance, the average eBay user looking to buy a smartphone goes through 28 days of consideration. They touch 35 categories, utilizing both mobile and desktop throughout4. These varied touch points present a complete picture for telco brands thereby increasing the possibility for high engagement. 

While eBay’s roots began in desktop and is currently listed as comScore’s Top 25 Desktop Properties5, there is growth in its mobile product. 62% of transactions on eBay involve a mobile touchpoint. eBay’s suite of advertising products are there to provide a holistic approach — from awareness down to bottom-of-the-funnel marketing. 

Learn more about how to build your cross-device strategy with eBay. Connect with our ad sales team.

  1. Business Insider, Jan 2019.
  2. Business Insider, Jan 2019.
  3. eMarketer, Nov 2018.
  4. eBay First Party Data, 2018.
  5. Comscore, February 2019.